Thursday, December 25, 2008
Yes, Virginia, there is STILL a Santa Clause; and he is legion
Sorta reaffirms my faith that most people will do good, even become heroes, when they see an opportunity with a clearly defined need. A hero is just a regular person who saw what needed to be done, and instead of looking away, just did it.
These are the people we, as a society, should venerate, idolize, hold up as role models. We need to pay more attention to the good, decent people all around us, and perhaps less to the self-aggrandizing egos we see too often in media. We would feel better ourselves, and be empowered to be part of a solution.
Pogo was right, all those years ago: We have met the enemy and he is us. But there is a corollary: We have met the hero, and he is us.
Merry Christmas to all you heroes.... And may we all find the extra fiver in our wallets when the opportunity to be a hero to some luckless neighbor presents its self. May we all find a wee surge of energy when someone needs a helping hand with a task impossible to do alone. May we all find our hearts grow enough to help another meet a daunting challenge. May we all utilize the renewable resources of power: love and caring. That will assure a better new year, all around.
May your days be Merry and Bright, and your soul rest easy, come night.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Reading a comment on Huffington post re Reagan years, had to respond
Lot of union busting under Reagan too. That was the real beginning of the end for the middle class and working class trying to lift its self (and the economy) up by those oft-mentioned boot straps.
Greed was legitimized and venerated in the Reagan years. Those among us who had the least were vilified and blamed for their own circumstances.
Then there was the funneling of arms, money, drugs.... That whole thing meant that any means were justified so long as the guys in power got the ends they wanted. And America made media stars out of the criminals who did the crimes.
That, indeed, was the beginning of the end of middle class, hope for working class, and morality in America. That is when we turned off the beacon of light this nation had long held on high.
The puppet masters found the formula: Get some pretty face (with a failing mind) and run the face, but do not let that person actually DO anything.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Throw taxpaying workers to the wolves, then arrive in D.C. via private corporate jets to ask for taxpayers to bail them out
"Big Three CEOs Flew Private Jets to Plead for Public Funds
Auto Industry Close to Bankruptcy But They Get Pricey Perk
November 19, 2008—
The CEOs of the big three automakers flew to the nation's capital yesterday in private luxurious jets to make their case to Washington that the auto industry is running out of cash and needs $25 billion in taxpayer money to avoid bankruptcy.
The CEOs of GM, Ford and Chrysler may have told Congress that they will likely go out of business without a bailout yet that has not stopped them from traveling in style, not even First Class is good enough...."
More at the link - click Attila's header on this story, but not if you have dangerously high blood pressure already. Attila does not want you to have a stroke.
No bail out for these clowns. The industry, maybe, but ONLY if the execs are taken out of their jobs, have their perks and pay cut off, and are forced to turn over their own assets to the floundering companies. New management, responsible and answerable to Congress before one dime of worker-paid tax dollers to these weasels. They should not be living large while throwing taxpayers out of work and expecting them to also write big checks.
Fuck 'em. New management or no bailout.
Fleets of private corporate jets indeed! Money junkies. Send them to rehab. NOW
Friday, November 14, 2008
The sound of crackers snapping
Are you noticing, dealing with, crackers snapping?
If the term were an acronym, what would the letters stand for?
Yes, Attila has had too little sleep and too much time to ponder the fringe. The fringe is cranky. Reality is making threats on their delusions.
Expect crackers behaving badly. Be ready with tactics for dealing. Try to be gracious whenever possible, we are the grownups, but do be firm. Avoid enabling bad behavior. Don't feed the beast; help the beast see the light, or cage the beast.
Cracker crumbs WILL be swept aside. The way WILL be made for cleaning up the socio-political facets of American life. We WILL be a better people than cracker dreams.
God (or who/whatever) Bless America!
Have apples with your cheese. Make crackers irrelevant to your life.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Memo to those who feared Obama would make us a socialist or communist nation:
IF you helped your elderly parents sign up for Medicare so you would not have to pay for all the healthcare they need... YOU may be a socialist.
IF you have ever eaten ANYTHING you did not grow yourself, anything which was grown with any governmental program to help the producer, shipped over any public roadway, inspected for your safety at any point.... YOU may be a socialist.
IF you sent your kids to a public school... YOU may be a socialist
IF you home-schooled, but asked for any help from any public official along the way, or if you used a public library rather than write, print and use your own books... YOU may be a socialist.
IF you are a proud Libertarian but have EVER ventured off your own property, used anything you did not grow, harvest, manufacture yourself on that property... YOU may be a socialist
IF you are a Libertarian or anti-government voter who ever invested in buying stock, held a bank account, owned or used American currency... YOU may be a socialist.
If you have been anything but a hermit in a loincloth, you may be a socialist. If you define socialism as any form of taking tax money from people to provide people with the services and infrastructure, you are lying to yourself about how ruggedly independent you are. You are dependent on the society and the society takes care of many needs.
If you want help me make a list of groups who may be socialists, leave a comment and add to the list. It is Friday, end of a very long week, we could use an exercise in consciousness raising that could provide us with a bit of humor too.
From the ol Inbox: McCain Lawyer Impeach Obama!...
McCain has reached an agreement with the Obama lawyers that makes Obama resignation effective November 11.
Barack Obama can lost President's Chair.
McCain video report 7 November:
And there is a link, of course. LMAO
If there was anything that would make Obama resign on November 11, are there really people silly enough to think it would not have been made public prior to November 4? Hell, with all the lies the GOP and Hate Media was throwing around, something THAT potent would have surely come out BEFORE McCain had to silence Palin so he could make his gracious and admirable concession speech!
But I digress. Back to the spam email.
One hopes all the naive and/or hopeful bigots who clicked that link when it came to their email just got a spam for some silly product.
One hopes the link did not take the naive (or those wanting to overturn the will of a solid majority of American voters) to a porn site that might get them fired if they went to the link from work.
One hopes the link did not take them to a child porn site that could get their asses in legal trouble for simply being naive enough to innocently click a link they might believe would assure them there was a way to keep the resoundingly elected black man from moving into the White House.
One hopes the link did not download some malicious virus onto the computers of anyone naive enough to click it in hopes of taking America back to the days of fire hoses, axe handles, horses, and dogs used on their fellow countrymen who happen to be genetically different at the skin color gene and wanting to go to school, ride a bus, take a drink, or vote.
One hopes a lot of people do not rush into possibly damaging spam emails that try to appeal to baser instincts of some.
One hopes...
Still and all, last Tuesday did offer some hope that dangerously naive people, fools who think color is more important than wisdom and caring, willfully ignorant who don't want to find out about people who are 'different', and the just-plain-bigots out there are declining in numbers.
One hopes that looking for the best in ourselves and voting for the best in our leaders might be the virus that is really going around now.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Lieberman supported McCain which was the same as supporting the bush/cheney agenda
He did it for his country and his state.
Patriotism is indeed the last refuge of scoundrels.
Throw his ass out of committees and caucus. He has shown where his intentions lay and lie.
Somebody get Andrea Mitchell Greenspan a math tutor
What new states signed on this week, and why the hell didn't I read about them ANYWHERE?
Methinks Mrs Greenspan (of the Don't Know HOW the economy got so bad Greenspans) is a tad rattled about the election results.
She should take a vacation. A VERY long vacation.
Karma, not always a bitch, can be beautiful to behold
They probably will never take responsibility, but they will be among us facing consequences. That is some small comfort
America is shifting: We'd Rather Be Blue!
Interactive map showing evolution of the voting trends in recent years. Play with the buttons. I especially like the one marked Voting Shifts.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
This Land Is Your Land; This Land Is My Land ..... Again
The national breath-holding season is over. So, too, is the time of our national embarrassment and shame.
We have rejoined the ranks of the lawful and humane nations of the world. Within a few weeks, we step up as the rightful and righteous beacon of democracy and hope.
He has a mess on his shoulders and he cannot possibly clean it up himself. It will take all of us doing our share. He was honest last night. It will be time and effort. There will be false starts. But last night should have taught us we must entertain the notion that great things are, indeed, possible. Last night, the bar got raised.
Last night was a lesson in not giving in, not giving up, not giving it away to a few while we watch American Idol and Lost.
Last night, we saw America again. America IS beautiful.
We the People
OUR nation
Roll up your sleeves. Help your neighbor. Stand a little taller. Do good work. Check egos and the door and do your part to restore our beloved country.
This land is your land, this land is my land, this land is gonna have a future we can look to with hope and work toward with enthusiasm.
Monday, November 3, 2008
If You Love America, You $UPPORT America
"McCain has fought and bled for our country, loves our country--there's too many questions with Barack Obama," Wurzelbacher said on Sunday, "and his loyalty to our country. I question that greatly."
Wurzelbacher also put into question Obama as a "good American," saying that his "ideology is completely different than what democracy stands for."
Hey Wurzelbacher, you don't support the troops unless you pay your share of the tab for defense. Stop mouthing jingoistic pablum and pay your taxes. You are nothing more than an America-hating-deadbeat!
Real "average Americans" who love this great nation pay their share and expect the rich and giant corporations to do the same.
Joe the Deadbeat, your 15 minutes are WAY over.
If you have any problems voting, report incidents!
Because America is worth some time and effort!
And from Michael Moore this morning, more sites to help fight voter disenfranchise exercises by the folks who brought us bush:
Expect trouble tomorrow. Stand your ground. Don't let some clerk turn you away. Make noise. Call the media if they won't let you vote. Let the Obama camp know. Check out his Voter Protection Center. Know where your polling place is. Be careful inside the voting booth. The ballot still reads like a Sudoku puzzle. Be prepared for long lines. That's ok, you know how to bring the party with you! Make new friends. Plot your local revolution. The 28-year rule of Republicans (and Democrats who act like Republicans) is over. The Reagan Era dies tomorrow night. My God, I truly thought it would never end.
Stand your ground! Indeed. Take a folding chair (take two if you can carry them, someone else at your polling place may need a rest in line too) Take some water. Take snacks. Take something to do while waiting. TAKE A STAND! America needs your service at this important junction.
America is worth the effort. Make whatever effort is required to have your vote counted.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Beyond Day One, providing the GOP owned voting machines don't steal this one too
It will take time and a lot of work to fix the mess the neocons have made. My kool-aid drinking brother already announced he was "gonna hold all Obama supporters responsible for every screw up he makes". Translation: Rush has given the kool-aid chorus their orders: stonewall progress.
We will be dealing with people 'holding all Obama supporters responsible'. They will be the same folks that refused to hold bush responsible for anything.
I replied to my brother: Did you hold bush/cheney supporters for all the damage they have done to the nation and the world? No, you won't even face the reality of just how much damage they did. You will whine when Obama can't fix it ALL on day one, but you never even acknowledged the mess until it became obvious that the next president wasn't gonna have an R after his name.
We will ALL have to work hard to solve the monster problems the neocons have left in their greedy wake. We will have to deal with constant whining from the 29%ers that the mess (they wouldn't admit to while their poster boys were in power) isn't being fixed RIGHT NOW; suffer the self-centered outrage of those who refused to grow up and deal with reality.
But, damn, for the first time in a very long time, I am optimistic about the future of our great and beloved country.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Update on the woman who claims attack due to her supporting McCain
Heard report of McCain supporter being attacked
Caution people.
First, that projection thing comes to mind.
Second, sounds like the victim's story has some big holes in it. We do not put enough focus on mental health care in America. There are some pretty sick people who need our care. Some of them do great harm to themselves in the attempt to get the help society just doesn't give.
Then, if you aren't old enough to remember the details (I was in Southern California at the time, and my step-mom was L.A. County Deputy Sheriff Dept pulling duty at the women's jail during the trial) of Charlie Manson's grand plan to trigger a race war in America and thereby get all the black people (as they were called then) killed off.
Charlie's Plan? To create 'Helter Skelter', a race war triggered by horrible crimes against white people, set up to look like they were done by black people.
There are too many Charlies out there in the general population. Too much hate. Too much willingness to do anything to make one's point when one is not getting one's way in society.
It's not like there isn't a history of racial terrorism in America. And judging from some pictures of late, there is still plenty of white hot hate today.
Defeat hate.
Be the change you want to see in the world. If you believe God made us, I ask you, didn't your God make ALL of us?
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
More picking up story on McCain solicitation for $ from Russian mission: Junk Mailing?
Guess it was a bulk mailing thing? OK, maybe it wasn't desperation, but it did show sloppiness in the extreme. Or do they just not care? Any address will do when begging for cash?
If not dancing on the spirit of the law by knowingly soliciting funds from foreign nationals, it sure showed, yet again, how Campaign McCain does what they hope will help right now without doing any groundwork, research, or thinking. It is not indicative of the sort of people who should have any part in running this great nation. Sorta like the Palin pick, it smacks of expediency and shows disregard for consequences.
To be fair, it could be a simple mistake, like what happens when they don't pay attention, fail to look beyond the surface, forget that supervision (oversight) is imperative. To be fair, it could be just the sloppy desperation for funding that made McCain the poster boy puppet for the de-regulation lobbyists.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Projecting again? Team McCain has suggested Obama getting $ from terrorists & foreigners...
WTF? This has to be cat kibble! Surely the GOP wouldn't do this?
Then again, they have that long history of projecting onto their opponents the crappola they themselves engage in...
Is this source credible? If so, some turkey's pop-up timer just jumped out of its bumpy hide .
Can't be.... No campaign could be that dumb
Or could it?
What do ya know about the source? Let us know.
Like Rachel Maddow says, talk me down on this one.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
All the Noise Re 'vote fraud' just more GOP Projection
They complain that the left hates America while they go about destroying the Bill of Rights, the US Treasury, National Parks, the infrastructure, the air, the water, and our national reputation.
They whine that the we hate the troops while they go about dismantling veteran care, deploy and deploy and deploy to a war that should never have been started. They shed troop blood for corporate profits. They sent return receipt requested mail to the home addresses of Florida military personnel deployed to Iraq then challenged their ballots because the mail came back undeliverable. They sent troops to a pointless war without proper equipment and they keep sending them back when the troops don't die and become less liability for them.
They talk about family values as they cavort with prostitutes, make overtures to underage pages, yuck it up with, and take donations from, fraudulent Christian pastors who talk big and fuck up bigger. They destroy the economy by which families eek out survival, more of those families failing to stay together due to stress.
They talk about Homeland Security when the only security they really want is for themselves and FROM the rest of us here in the homeland. They shred civil rights and protections for the pretense of protecting us.
And they claim we hate America when we point these dangers to America out.
Projection: a trick of the mind that enables someone or group to continue to live with themselves after doing great harm, by blaming some other for doing the deeds.
The neo-cons are good at it. They use it to divert attention from their own dirty hands. They point to others, but we can still see the dirt on those pointing fingers.
Voter Fraud. Black boxes with modems that can be reached remotely. Election officials can certify the programs, then the programs can be changed. The machine does as it is told, not as you vote.
Wanna know why 'the polls' kept showing a close horse-race even when we could plainly see Obama was far ahead of McCain? They needed us to believe it was close so we would believe the outcome when they threw the switch that would switch votes, again.
But the gap is too wide and we can all see it. Even the 29%ers know McCain has lost, and they are getting damned ugly about having their delusions confronted by a reality too big to deny.
Can Cheney afford not to be pulling all the strings? Can the corporate bosses afford not to have their puppets running things?
The machines seem to be programed to fail democracy once more. Pay attention when you vote. Paper is good. Fair and honest election officials and polling place judges are better.
Pay attention like your country depends on it.
It does.
Response to a comment by reader JE
Thanks for the eye opener. In an election where the decision for whom to vote is a mysterious quandry, you answere some serious questions in my mind.
Now, what do you think of Colin Powell's backing of Obama? I just know you have an opinion on that one. For me it seems like a stamp of approval since Powell is my "idol" and has been for several years.
And Attila prattles:
Powell's endorsement was no surprise. Neither was Rush's claim that it was racial. Guess Rush didn't hear about the other former Secs of State for Obama. The pundits of hate have to pull the usual knee-jerk racist scapegoat trick; they got nuttin else.
Powell, hmm, mixed fellings about the chap. Good soldier and all, but he was too good about helping brass cover ass re behavior in 'Nam and one Lt. had to be the scapegoat for a whole lotta bad, from what I have heard from many vets (and the pictures several shared with me to back up their claims of the evils of war).
I do think Powell did try to dissuade the malAdministration from the invasion of Iraq. But he was just too naive. Thought all played by the same rules. He just didn't understand how evil some can be. Once they 'made the decision' good soldier Powell marched to the UN and tried to sell the decision.
He is a sadder, and much wiser man now. And he knows, along with so many other brilliant servants of this nation, that we cannot afford any more years of bad governance. He knows what is on the line, and he knows much more about it than you and I.
Glad for his endorsement of Obama. It will give permission for many more strong voices from what used to be the 'loyal opposition'. I welcome more voices from the old GOP. I know they love America just as much as I do, though our priorities vary. I hope Powell will inspire them to wrest control of their party from the corporate cannibals who have used and abused church congregations, wedge issues, diversions, and the truth to stay in power and steal from America.
And I hope the Grand Old Party takes Newt and all his adherents out to the woodshed, spanks their asses so hard they will NEVER be able to sit on a government chair again, and then dig in to help us clean up the mess the neo-con wastrels have left us.
America is too important to be given over to vile men for lack of energy to fight them. I am damned glad Powell has fallen out of lock-step with the neo-con ranks. I am damned glad he has joined the effort to restore this nation to greatness by pointing out the reasons Obama will be a more deserving, better serving, wiser leader for those efforts.
We The People are the only salvation for this great nation. It has always been so. Obama can inspire us toward that enormous and sacred work. Powell made the case brilliantly.
Soldier Powell has learned the lesson that sometimes, you have to say 'NO!' to immoral orders, buck the chain of command, and stand for what is right. He has made that point most eloquently.
I hope a lot of my old vet friends welcome him into the fold of those who truly know the cost of war and work toward justice as a better means or winning peace. He may now be deserving of their noble companionship.
JE, I have always had mixed feelings about Powell. He was never a hero to many of my vet friends, so I could not muster much love for him beyond respect for his obvious talents, efforts, and service. But he has shown great courage of late. He has given a lesson to others in the GOP that there comes a time to take a stand for what is best for the nation. He has finally found his own voice. With that, should come redemption. Honest efforts should be rewarded with honest admiration and affection.
I hope a lot of old warriors nod to Powell, that he finds redemption for past errors in their acceptance. I pray many shades will lend him courage for the coming years, that he may continue to help America regain its place as a good and just nation.
Oh, and vote for Obama! Colin Powell has been up close and personal with what bad leaders look like. With his experience, his support for Obama is pretty heavy.
Friday, September 26, 2008
About Sarah Palin's decision to charge victims for rape kits
When the GOP is in power and things are not humming in the economy, they juggle what items are considered for the reporting indexes. They leave off a lot of items you and I buy when they report what the inflation rate is. Really. Look at what they claim the rate of inflation is just before you go buy groceries. You'll get it. All that food stuff you think you need? Turns out it is HIGHLY VOLITIAL! No, it won't combust, it will just change, rapidly. The GOP never wants you to know that. They think by not including items that actually go up rapidly in price in the index to determine the actual rate of inflation, well by golly, YOU won't notice how much more you are paying to keep food on the table.
Same with unemployment stats. Change the data you consider and POOF! you have improved the employment problem. Pay no attention to the veterans who are homeless, the former IT workers flipping burgers, the masses of young people with no foot in the door to real lifetime opportunity. Just decide that after so long on the list, if a person still hasn't found full time employment, well, they just don't deserve to be counted on the list. Or something.
See, the economy is great! Inflation is low and so is unemployment! Trust the GOP to straight talk you right past reality and into the waters of that river in W's brain, de-nial. Yep, they kept herding people into that muddy river until things got so bad even their brokers went broke. THEN they race around shouting that we have to fix things now, but we don't have time to stop, think, plan well, or even read the fine print. WE GOTTA GIVE THE SMUCKS WHO MADE ALL THE BAD DECISIONS $700 BILLION. NOW!
'So, Attila, what does it have to do with rape kits?', you ask.
Palin's rape kit bill-cost-to-victim agenda is the same sort of fudging the stats that the GOP has done with inflation index and unemployment head counts.
I checked around. Wasilla does not charge victims of robberies, break-ins, bar room brawls for the cost of gathering evidence of those crimes. The great state of Alaska doesn't either. But there is a high rate of reported rapes in Alaska. And that doesn't sit well with the image of the place Sarah and her church paint. There is a problem and they won't address the root causes. They don't want to look under the rock and find so many neighbors doing some really bad shit. They want to believe all those smiling lipsticks worn in public to hide the bull shit in the pits.
The river in W's brain has jumped its banks. De-nial is flooding the last great American frontier.
But Sarah is ambitious. Not particularly accomplished, but ambitious as all get out. Don't know if it's lipstick on a pitbull so much as a pig on some sort of bender, but the woman's reach far exceedes her abilities.
Rape. Horrible crime. Says a lot of really bad things about any community where it is widespread. What to do? If you really address the problem, you admit there is much violence and sickness. If you are selling a haven for a lot of people who think they can just move to some perfect place where God will have cookies and milk waiting for the right believers, you can't admit to the high rate of violence and sickness.
Gotta lower that rate of reported rapes.
Charge the victims money! MAKE THEM PAY! Once the word gets out that complaining about being horribly violated will cost ya, only the richest will be able to afford to complain. Since they can also afford not to work dangerous hours in dangerous neighborhoods, and can afford to have their gated communities protected by hired guns, they are less likely to get raped, so not too many reports from them either.
Mission , errr, Statistic Improvement Accomplished.
It's about pretending the crime rate for that horrible crime is different from what it really is. It's about pricing the victims out of the market. Its about the reported stats, stupid! I should have figured that one out much sooner. Neocons are all about appearing to be swell. They want the rest of us to buy the crap they are selling as sugar.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Paulson wants US to pay too much ransom for their economy with no guarentee the CEOs will behave in the future! Just say NO to Economic Terrorism!
We don't give in to TERRORISTS! Republicans have said this over and over for years! Time for them to put up or STFU!
No dough to the same old hacks selling the same old philosophies. We pay, OK, we take over. Nationalize the companies that want to be bailed out.
- Throw their corporate officers into court and throw those found guilty of crimes into jail.
- Yank their assets, ALL of them.
- Tell their kids they can go to public schools with the rest of the working class.
- Tell the trophy wives to get jobs or find some other street corner to ply their trade.
- Get competent people to run the companies, no GOP cronies!
- Start the talent search with the people the CEOs and CFOs wanted out so they could pull their greedy stunts!
- Treat the working class with the respect deserve. They are ALSO the customers AND the people funding any bail-outs.
- Settle for a little profit and a stronger TOTAL ECONOMY, that means, share the wealth, not hoard it at the top 1%
Friday, September 19, 2008
If you get served with a subpeona, you appear under oath
Give the First Dude his due process:
serve him, then arrest him if he declines to testify.
America is a nation where laws prevail over whiny-assed decider wanna-bees! Tell the First Dud(e), along with Karl Rove and Harriet Miers, that they don't get to pick and choose which legal instruments they get to ignore.
And then start making all those CEOs and CFOs in all those badly run corporations now seeking bailouts paid by the working class to get if line and slap their greedy palms on the ol bible too...
Monday, September 15, 2008
Collapse of Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch
It was NEVER about you getting to privately decide what to do with YOUR money (as the GOP hounds have loved to call that nugget set aside for the care of the elderly). The house of cards was getting close to collapse and they damned well knew it. They needed a massive infusion of new cash for the pyramid scheme that is Wall Street.
CEOs have done nothing to grow anything. They have cut production, they have cut costs until they are not making anything in America but paperwork. They kept getting more and more productivity from the American worker but it was never enough. They would not tighten their own belts so they ate the workers' pensions, the investors' nest eggs, and finally a whole lotta actual daily payroll.
What have most CEOs actually ever done? Cut cost! "Cut cost!" is not a business plan. Sitting on each other's boards, giving each other bigger and bigger compensation packages is not a business strategy. Throwing your workers further and further down the economic ladder then wondering where all the consumers have gone is not leadership. Whining about how sensible regulation, holding business up to sane rules which protect business, consumers, workers and the economy, is not protecting capitalism!
Acting like a bunch of two year olds in expensive suits is not how to run an economy.
Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine is not free market. It is the most base aspect of human nature.
Well, the two year olds in expensive suits have eaten their parental units (that'd be us, the workers/real producers/investors/CONSUMERS) out of house and home. We are pretty well destitute and begging on the street corners of the world for crumbs. We're screwed.
And the fat two year old cats in expensive suits knew, KNEW, this was coming. They knew they had squandered all the small investors' discretionary investment capital. They knew they had blown through the pension funds. They knew the money saved from excessive tax cuts was gone on fast cars and high living. They knew third world work forces had already saved them as much as they could on payrolls. They knew the customer was the same as the worker, and that the workers had already given all they could. The worker/customer had no cash to spend as their paychecks were getting smaller or disappearing altogether.
Instead of being happy with the golden eggs, they ate the goose and they damned well knew it!
They knew, because they created all those conditions by their own agendas, policies, actions. They KNEW they were frauds and eventually the con game would collapse. They knew they were out of new communities to ride into with their carnival and house of smoke & mirrors.
But, those of us who still had jobs still paid taxes. And we put some money aside, along with our employers, for Social Security. We collectively decided to pull some resources together to fund a system to keep our elders from dying, cold and hungry, on the street corners of America's Main Streets.
The government, us, for those who forgot, set up a system of forced contributions to a pool from which elders and infirm could be kept from starving before our eyes.
The two year olds in suits, who had gone through all we could voluntarily give them to play with in their shell game markets needed another big fix of cash. If they could just somehow force us to invest in their schemes and mismanaged corporations, if they could delude us into thinking the government was not us, but some evil other, they could have all that money the 'evil other' has been setting aside.
The junkies knew they were out of things to sell off, steal and fence, out of people to prostitute to feed their habits. They wanted that pot of gold set aside for simply lived golden years for the many. They wanted to rob Granny and Goldilocks too. And they wanted the strong arm of the US Government to be their bag man, forcing shopkeepers and shop-workers to give them protection payoffs.
They were holding our delusion that everything was fine for ransom. Pay up or we will have to stop all this high living, and if we stop, we take you with us.
Either way, we lose. Give them the Social Security taxes and they will squander them as the have all the capital before it. Deny them that last slush fund and they crash sooner rather than later. But they have yet to sign up for any sort of re-hab, so why let them have anymore of our blood to put into their own sick veins?
The mighty, those who kept patting us on the heads and saying everything is fine, have fallen. Sadly, it is the rest of us, those who have lived more reasonable and generous lives, who will break their fall. We will be broken and crushed. They will land hard, but their falls will be broken on our very flesh.
They would not stand for intervention. They would not stand for re-hab. They would not change their ways. Now, when it looks like they will not get to maintain their stranglehold on OUR government, and they may not get to keep the playing field slanted in their direction. Now they throw in the towels.
The two year olds are tired and hungry and they have no idea of how to make their boo-boos go away. They tried to scam us one more time, but they couldn't quite pull it off in time.
The big babies have wrecked the house. The turnip is out of blood.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
So Alberto Gonzales Took Classified Terror Documents Home*...
The end being the shredding of the US Constitution and the loss of civil liberties/protections of We The People so they, the Usurpers, can violate our privacy, property rights, freedom!
If Gonzo took the papers out of the area where security could be maintained, one wonders who all he showed them to. Who did not have the security clearance to view such sensitive material but may have needed to see it in order to keep the political skids greased? Who might Gonzo have let view the papers?
What WAS Rove's clearance level, anyway?
Just thinkin....
*Lawyers: Gonzales mishandled classified data From: Associated Press
Published: Monday September 1, 2008:
Monday, August 25, 2008
Nerdy (and expendable?) FAUX Agent-Provocateur Gets Taste of Behavior Modification. Film at 11
FOX cub reporter tries to bully marchers, gets on-air come-uppence.
Expect Falafel-Boy Billo to use this in attempt to paint patriots exercising their rights as anti-American, not unlike anyone who dared say NO to Iraq War was not so long ago.
All the Talking Point spreading whores get a wake-up call! Good. They do not have all of the people fooled all of the time.
The marchers have given an important workshop in democracy: Giving in to power and calling the reading of Rove memes 'reporting' does NOT serve America. Doing so for fear of losing 'access' to power is particularly pathetic.
Being a round healed whore is not the same as reporting. Berating marchers who are aware and choose not to be FAUX enablers is desperate and comical. People unwilling to talk to FAUX are not against free speech. Quite the contrary; they value free (and accurate) speech. They won't squander it on those with proved agendas; those who use distortion to further the propaganda goals of the neo-cons and the corporate powers that run them.
Wise child rearing should include instruction to not talk to bad people. It appears the marchers were well reared.
Good job, marchers. Fuck FAUX!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Fools and heroes befriend madness and create marvels
Getting in touch with one's inner barbarian, berserker, or just plain bitch, might not be a bad thing. Can't control the chaos and creation until you claim it, own it, shed light on its darkness.
At my age, I have befriended the Barbarian and been the berserker. Must be time to take bitch out for a spin.