Monday, November 3, 2008

If You Love America, You $UPPORT America

Joe the Plumber dares to pose questions about Obama's loyalty to America? Joe Wurzelbacher? The guy who failed to pay his taxes DARES to question whether Obama is a "good American"?

"McCain has fought and bled for our country, loves our country--there's too many questions with Barack Obama," Wurzelbacher said on Sunday, "and his loyalty to our country. I question that greatly."

Wurzelbacher also put into question Obama as a "good American," saying that his "ideology is completely different than what democracy stands for."

Hey Wurzelbacher, you don't support the troops unless you pay your share of the tab for defense. Stop mouthing jingoistic pablum and pay your taxes. You are nothing more than an America-hating-deadbeat!

Real "average Americans" who love this great nation pay their share and expect the rich and giant corporations to do the same.

Joe the Deadbeat, your 15 minutes are WAY over.

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