Sunday, December 21, 2008

Reading a comment on Huffington post re Reagan years, had to respond

Lot of union busting under Reagan too. That was the real beginning of the end for the middle class and working class trying to lift its self (and the economy) up by those oft-mentioned boot straps.

Greed was legitimized and venerated in the Reagan years. Those among us who had the least were vilified and blamed for their own circumstances.

Then there was the funneling of arms, money, drugs.... That whole thing meant that any means were justified so long as the guys in power got the ends they wanted. And America made media stars out of the criminals who did the crimes.

That, indeed, was the beginning of the end of middle class, hope for working class, and morality in America. That is when we turned off the beacon of light this nation had long held on high.

The puppet masters found the formula: Get some pretty face (with a failing mind) and run the face, but do not let that person actually DO anything.

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