Monday, October 27, 2008

Beyond Day One, providing the GOP owned voting machines don't steal this one too

In response to a wise comment to Sirota that it will take much work and patience to correct the course America has been on:

It will take time and a lot of work to fix the mess the neocons have made. My kool-aid drinking brother already announced he was "gonna hold all Obama supporters responsible for every screw up he makes". Translation: Rush has given the kool-aid chorus their orders: stonewall progress.

We will be dealing with people 'holding all Obama supporters responsible'. They will be the same folks that refused to hold bush responsible for anything.

I replied to my brother: Did you hold bush/cheney supporters for all the damage they have done to the nation and the world? No, you won't even face the reality of just how much damage they did. You will whine when Obama can't fix it ALL on day one, but you never even acknowledged the mess until it became obvious that the next president wasn't gonna have an R after his name.

We will ALL have to work hard to solve the monster problems the neocons have left in their greedy wake. We will have to deal with constant whining from the 29%ers that the mess (they wouldn't admit to while their poster boys were in power) isn't being fixed RIGHT NOW; suffer the self-centered outrage of those who refused to grow up and deal with reality.

But, damn, for the first time in a very long time, I am optimistic about the future of our great and beloved country.


Anonymous said...

I share your optimism but I am going to be nervous as heck until the day after and the map has enough blue to say it's over. If you want a good way to track the election daily, google "princeton electoral college map." The first hit will say "today's electoral college map."

This is a site from the Princeton Election Consortium. Four years ago they precisely predicted the electoral vote breakdown a few days before the election. Right now it shows a BIG Obama win. Even my (former) home state of Indiana might go blue.

Keep the optimism, Blondie. But keep your guard up too and get everyone you know out to vote.

the blond said...

Nervous? Will be in that state until I die. The neocons and their corporate masters are NOT gonna give up.

The Greedy Old Puppets and the puppet masters own too many of the machines Americans have to vote on. They own too many of the election officials who set us up to fail. Long lines in working class neighborhoods v plenty of voting booths in affluent 'hoods makes the case of tampering with the process to the point of class warfare. Videos of machines switching votes should quell any who doubt the machines are not reliable.

The neocons and masters have taken our great nation and devolved it to a banana republic with farce democratic rituals. Election tallies have been shams since 2000.

Optimism stems from the huge crowds for change. We The People are awake and going activist. THAT is cause for guarded optimism. People KNOWING they will have trouble voting on Tuesday are turning out early. They WILL vote, despite the shit stunts of the neocon flunkies.

Oprah saw the machine screw her vote! If I had stocks in any of the computer voting companies, I would SELL SELL SELL. They are toast now that Oprah has been crossed by their democracy subverting stunts.

Greyhound Girl said...

It's almost over. that's all I can say right now. It's almost over- thank the goddess.