Thursday, January 1, 2009

The babies are adorable and our new leader seems to get approval from them where ever he goes. His body language shows comfort and real caring. I hope he also gets his steely-resolve re-changed each time he looks one in the eyes. Their futures have been so badly threatened by the neocons. So much damage to roll back to give the kids a fighting chance decent lives.

Can't help but chuckle at the sight of the Secret Service Detail all casual in polo shirts and tropical prints! What a hoot! Secret Service Casual Dress Friday goes extended.

After dealing with the arrogant criminals they have most recently been protecting, a well earned change to get to protect a leader worthy of their efforts.

One wonders how the Detail with bush or cheney feels when they look at the new guy. Obama's penchant for mingling has to worry them, but babies to kiss and smiling parents have to be more satisfying than journalists throwing shoes.

Looking at the faces of the people with their lawfully (and overwhelmingly) elected leader has to have an impact on the soul. Watching the new leader's interactions with those people must have an impact on the people around Obama. The faces encountered while traveling with Obama would seem likely to impart a more hopeful view of the future for the nation the agents serve.

I am grateful such dedicated civil servants have a leader who actually deserves the honor of their company. And America certainly showed support for the troops by electing a sane and brilliant CIC who cares about people beyond the Haves and the Have Mores.

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Well said!

And, back to their clothes (you knew I couldn't resist)- I Love that the Secret Service guys try to blend in and I don't think the ear piece gives him away at all.... :)

And let him pick a shirt out that ugly and then wear it???