Friday, September 26, 2008

About Sarah Palin's decision to charge victims for rape kits

It's about the reported stats, stupid!

When the GOP is in power and things are not humming in the economy, they juggle what items are considered for the reporting indexes. They leave off a lot of items you and I buy when they report what the inflation rate is. Really. Look at what they claim the rate of inflation is just before you go buy groceries. You'll get it. All that food stuff you think you need? Turns out it is HIGHLY VOLITIAL! No, it won't combust, it will just change, rapidly. The GOP never wants you to know that. They think by not including items that actually go up rapidly in price in the index to determine the actual rate of inflation, well by golly, YOU won't notice how much more you are paying to keep food on the table.

Same with unemployment stats. Change the data you consider and POOF! you have improved the employment problem. Pay no attention to the veterans who are homeless, the former IT workers flipping burgers, the masses of young people with no foot in the door to real lifetime opportunity. Just decide that after so long on the list, if a person still hasn't found full time employment, well, they just don't deserve to be counted on the list. Or something.

See, the economy is great! Inflation is low and so is unemployment! Trust the GOP to straight talk you right past reality and into the waters of that river in W's brain, de-nial. Yep, they kept herding people into that muddy river until things got so bad even their brokers went broke. THEN they race around shouting that we have to fix things now, but we don't have time to stop, think, plan well, or even read the fine print. WE GOTTA GIVE THE SMUCKS WHO MADE ALL THE BAD DECISIONS $700 BILLION. NOW!

'So, Attila, what does it have to do with rape kits?', you ask.

Palin's rape kit bill-cost-to-victim agenda is the same sort of fudging the stats that the GOP has done with inflation index and unemployment head counts.

I checked around. Wasilla does not charge victims of robberies, break-ins, bar room brawls for the cost of gathering evidence of those crimes. The great state of Alaska doesn't either. But there is a high rate of reported rapes in Alaska. And that doesn't sit well with the image of the place Sarah and her church paint. There is a problem and they won't address the root causes. They don't want to look under the rock and find so many neighbors doing some really bad shit. They want to believe all those smiling lipsticks worn in public to hide the bull shit in the pits.

The river in W's brain has jumped its banks. De-nial is flooding the last great American frontier.

But Sarah is ambitious. Not particularly accomplished, but ambitious as all get out. Don't know if it's lipstick on a pitbull so much as a pig on some sort of bender, but the woman's reach far exceedes her abilities.

Rape. Horrible crime. Says a lot of really bad things about any community where it is widespread. What to do? If you really address the problem, you admit there is much violence and sickness. If you are selling a haven for a lot of people who think they can just move to some perfect place where God will have cookies and milk waiting for the right believers, you can't admit to the high rate of violence and sickness.

Gotta lower that rate of reported rapes.

Charge the victims money! MAKE THEM PAY! Once the word gets out that complaining about being horribly violated will cost ya, only the richest will be able to afford to complain. Since they can also afford not to work dangerous hours in dangerous neighborhoods, and can afford to have their gated communities protected by hired guns, they are less likely to get raped, so not too many reports from them either.

Mission , errr, Statistic Improvement Accomplished.

It's about pretending the crime rate for that horrible crime is different from what it really is. It's about pricing the victims out of the market. Its about the reported stats, stupid! I should have figured that one out much sooner. Neocons are all about appearing to be swell. They want the rest of us to buy the crap they are selling as sugar.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Paulson wants US to pay too much ransom for their economy with no guarentee the CEOs will behave in the future! Just say NO to Economic Terrorism!

The mis-managers of the financial institutions now in trouble are TERRORISTS. They kept making demands that regulations be lessened to the point they could steer great companies into the rocks. Now they threaten all of us and all of the world with the same unless we pay them ransom.

We don't give in to TERRORISTS! Republicans have said this over and over for years! Time for them to put up or STFU!
No dough to the same old hacks selling the same old philosophies. We pay, OK, we take over. Nationalize the companies that want to be bailed out.

  • Throw their corporate officers into court and throw those found guilty of crimes into jail.
  • Yank their assets, ALL of them.
  • Tell their kids they can go to public schools with the rest of the working class.
  • Tell the trophy wives to get jobs or find some other street corner to ply their trade.
  • Get competent people to run the companies, no GOP cronies!
  • Start the talent search with the people the CEOs and CFOs wanted out so they could pull their greedy stunts!
  • Treat the working class with the respect deserve. They are ALSO the customers AND the people funding any bail-outs.
  • Settle for a little profit and a stronger TOTAL ECONOMY, that means, share the wealth, not hoard it at the top 1%
And keep reminding EVERYBODY that McCain was the darling of the De-Regulating lobbyists!

Friday, September 19, 2008

If you get served with a subpeona, you appear under oath

even if you are just an oil field worker!

Give the First Dude his due process:
serve him, then arrest him if he declines to testify.

America is a nation where laws prevail over whiny-assed decider wanna-bees! Tell the First Dud(e), along with Karl Rove and Harriet Miers, that they don't get to pick and choose which legal instruments they get to ignore.

And then start making all those CEOs and CFOs in all those badly run corporations now seeking bailouts paid by the working class to get if line and slap their greedy palms on the ol bible too...

Monday, September 15, 2008

Collapse of Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch

Ah-HA! Now we see why so many GOP and D.C. lifers have had such a hard on for 'Privatizing' Social Security.

It was NEVER about you getting to privately decide what to do with YOUR money (as the GOP hounds have loved to call that nugget set aside for the care of the elderly). The house of cards was getting close to collapse and they damned well knew it. They needed a massive infusion of new cash for the pyramid scheme that is Wall Street.

CEOs have done nothing to grow anything. They have cut production, they have cut costs until they are not making anything in America but paperwork. They kept getting more and more productivity from the American worker but it was never enough. They would not tighten their own belts so they ate the workers' pensions, the investors' nest eggs, and finally a whole lotta actual daily payroll.

What have most CEOs actually ever done? Cut cost! "Cut cost!" is not a business plan. Sitting on each other's boards, giving each other bigger and bigger compensation packages is not a business strategy. Throwing your workers further and further down the economic ladder then wondering where all the consumers have gone is not leadership. Whining about how sensible regulation, holding business up to sane rules which protect business, consumers, workers and the economy, is not protecting capitalism!

Acting like a bunch of two year olds in expensive suits is not how to run an economy.
Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine is not free market. It is the most base aspect of human nature.

Well, the two year olds in expensive suits have eaten their parental units (that'd be us, the workers/real producers/investors/CONSUMERS) out of house and home. We are pretty well destitute and begging on the street corners of the world for crumbs. We're screwed.

And the fat two year old cats in expensive suits knew, KNEW, this was coming. They knew they had squandered all the small investors' discretionary investment capital. They knew they had blown through the pension funds. They knew the money saved from excessive tax cuts was gone on fast cars and high living. They knew third world work forces had already saved them as much as they could on payrolls. They knew the customer was the same as the worker, and that the workers had already given all they could. The worker/customer had no cash to spend as their paychecks were getting smaller or disappearing altogether.

Instead of being happy with the golden eggs, they ate the goose and they damned well knew it!

They knew, because they created all those conditions by their own agendas, policies, actions. They KNEW they were frauds and eventually the con game would collapse. They knew they were out of new communities to ride into with their carnival and house of smoke & mirrors.

But, those of us who still had jobs still paid taxes. And we put some money aside, along with our employers, for Social Security. We collectively decided to pull some resources together to fund a system to keep our elders from dying, cold and hungry, on the street corners of America's Main Streets.

The government, us, for those who forgot, set up a system of forced contributions to a pool from which elders and infirm could be kept from starving before our eyes.

The two year olds in suits, who had gone through all we could voluntarily give them to play with in their shell game markets needed another big fix of cash. If they could just somehow force us to invest in their schemes and mismanaged corporations, if they could delude us into thinking the government was not us, but some evil other, they could have all that money the 'evil other' has been setting aside.

The junkies knew they were out of things to sell off, steal and fence, out of people to prostitute to feed their habits. They wanted that pot of gold set aside for simply lived golden years for the many. They wanted to rob Granny and Goldilocks too. And they wanted the strong arm of the US Government to be their bag man, forcing shopkeepers and shop-workers to give them protection payoffs.

They were holding our delusion that everything was fine for ransom. Pay up or we will have to stop all this high living, and if we stop, we take you with us.

Either way, we lose. Give them the Social Security taxes and they will squander them as the have all the capital before it. Deny them that last slush fund and they crash sooner rather than later. But they have yet to sign up for any sort of re-hab, so why let them have anymore of our blood to put into their own sick veins?

The mighty, those who kept patting us on the heads and saying everything is fine, have fallen. Sadly, it is the rest of us, those who have lived more reasonable and generous lives, who will break their fall. We will be broken and crushed. They will land hard, but their falls will be broken on our very flesh.

They would not stand for intervention. They would not stand for re-hab. They would not change their ways. Now, when it looks like they will not get to maintain their stranglehold on OUR government, and they may not get to keep the playing field slanted in their direction. Now they throw in the towels.

The two year olds are tired and hungry and they have no idea of how to make their boo-boos go away. They tried to scam us one more time, but they couldn't quite pull it off in time.

The big babies have wrecked the house. The turnip is out of blood.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

So Alberto Gonzales Took Classified Terror Documents Home*...

More evidence that bush malAdministration has NOT really been worried about terrorism. The terrorism memes, hysteria for public consumption, all just means to an end.
The end being the shredding of the US Constitution and the loss of civil liberties/protections of We The People so they, the Usurpers, can violate our privacy, property rights, freedom!

If Gonzo took the papers out of the area where security could be maintained, one wonders who all he showed them to. Who did not have the security clearance to view such sensitive material but may have needed to see it in order to keep the political skids greased? Who might Gonzo have let view the papers?

What WAS Rove's clearance level, anyway?

Just thinkin....

*Lawyers: Gonzales mishandled classified data From: Associated Press
Published: Monday September 1, 2008: